Oporto Invictus Hostel

Hostel in Porto

Oporto Invictus Hostel is located right in the centre of Oporto. In the heart of the city's nightlife and tourist atractions, Invictus Hostel is steps away from major metro line, bus and train stations.


The Hostel is located in a completely restored 150 year old building, combining Oporto's character with the utmost confort and security in a modern and relaxed environment where you can meet people from around the world, party or just come for a weekend getaway.

  • Districts Porto
  • Counties Porto
  • Address Rua das Oliveiras, nº 73

  • Postal Code 4050-449
  • Phone +351 222024371
    (chamada para rede fixa nacional)
  • Email
  • Website http://www.oportoinvictushostel.com

Map (Latitude: 41.1497859, Longitude: -8.6148773)

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